Mentos wants to know: How Vain Are You? New Facebook App with Viral Potential.


Are any of your Facebook friends boring or vain or in need of a love-life makeover? Well, help is on the way from Mentos.

The candy brand has rolled out an app on its Facebook Page that features Life Guidance videos from the brand’s guru-like spokesman Dragee. The videos automatically integrate information from the recipient’s Facebook Page. For instance, in the “Vain” video, Dragee notes how many times the person uses “I” or “me” in his or her status updates and includes some recent examples.

The videos, which evoke the 70s and 80s Dharma Initiative movies on Lost, with their skips and cheesy sound quality, are also cleverly designed to camouflage their customizability. For instance, Dragee walks behind a column when he says the person’s name, so you can’t see his lips move. Dragee’s assistant, Rick, also holds up blank pieces of paper, on which information from the Facebook profiles are projected.

Mentos introduced the Dragee character in February with some equally wacky videos. But the app, created by The Martin Agency and Ted Perez + Associates, has more viral potential. After all, who doesn’t have a vain, boring or lovelorn friend?

Why I’m Curious:

I am a sucker for anything that pulls in a user’s social graph. This is because it’s such a small yet brilliant personalization that makes a person want to organically share it with friends. Intel Museum of Me, Orangina’s First FB Friend, the Doggelganger — its hook is that it’s personalized. For any FB apps being created, figuring out ways to pull in one’s social graph should definitely be a top consideration.