Spreading Ideas Through Hairdressers

Who’s one person you trust, see multiple times a year for long sessions, and talk to about everything? Your hairdresser! TEDxBuenosAires, who was unable to make a huge impact on the Latin community, reached out to 60 hairdressers known for their conversational skills and invited them to their 6 hour event. The hairdressers then went back and shared these ideas with their Clients, reaching over 7,500 people along the way (about seven times the audience of TEDx BuenosAires!).

Why I’m Curious: I love this idea from both a brand and human perspective. From a brand perspective, TEDx found a way to really deliver on their brand promise (“ideas worth spreading”) and literally bring it to life. And from a human perspective, I love the notion of an often ignored but powerful group really being recognized. I wish more brands thought of meaningful ways to bring in cab drivers, porters, and other individuals who see and impact a significant number of people every day.

1 thought on “Spreading Ideas Through Hairdressers

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