Nike RSVP allows fans to reserve shoes on Twitter

Brands are increasingly using Twitter in innovative ways. To help manage demand for sought-after new sneaker editions, Nike recently launched a Twitter RSVP process that allows customers to reserve shoes at any of selected U.S. stores, avoiding long lines and crowd.

Sneaker fans must follow the Twitter account of their local store, which sends a tweet at a random time on the designated RSVP day. Consumers must then direct-message the store within 60 minutes, including the product-specific hashtag, their name and shoe size. Shoes are reserved on a “first respond, first serve” basis and can be picked up on the launch day.

Why I am Curious

This reminds me the success of AMEX’s “Tweet your way to savings” campaign. In my opinion, Nike shows a better understanding in utilizing Twitter to drive purchase by offering time-sensitive offers and streamlining rewarding process. However, this still feels more of a PR stunt than an effort to truly increase consumer’s shopping experience. I’m interested in knowing if retailers can drive online conversation and offline purchase at the same time on Twitter in a more seamless way.

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